sábado, mayo 18, 2024
Outstanding Mayor

Mayor of Toluca inaugurates rehabilitation of Lago Omega Street; demonstrates humanistic vision in public works / @RaymundoMC @TolucaGob >>>

#Toluca, #Edoméx.- The Mayor of Toluca, Raymundo Martínez Carbajal, inaugurated the integral rehabilitation of Lago Omega Street, which includes paving, as well as the construction of sidewalks and curbs, for the benefit of hundreds of families of the Felipe Chávez Becerril delegation, demonstrating the humanist vision and gender perspective of public works in the municipality.

The mayor explained that «a humanist vision with a gender perspective has to pay as much attention to paving and patching as to the recovery of sidewalks, that is why this street is emblematic and I want to ask you not to lose sight of it, because it is part of what we have to do so that our city becomes an increasingly pedestrian space, because walking is healthy, it is good and allows us to appropriate public space and not leave it to crime».

He also assured that this work shows what this administration is looking for and the philosophy of life that we want to promote in Toluca, because having sidewalks in good conditions tells people that they are important, mainly women, who occupy them almost 10% more than men, so with these actions we want them to be able to develop and walk freely and safely.

Martinez Carbajal emphasized that these works are accompanied by the rehabilitation of street lighting and the reconstruction of the social fabric because «the most important purpose is that, without a doubt, this is the administration with the largest number of works that historically have been done in Toluca and do not doubt it, we are going to achieve it, But it is about taking care of what the people need, and today what matters most to us is that our women walk in freedom, because the worst problem we have in almost all the cities of the country is domestic violence», so he also presented the elements of the Foot to Ground Police who work together for the welfare of the population.

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